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Monday, November 15, 2010

Okay Ladies, You're in Europe...Let's Talk About Clothes!

You want to make sure that as you immerse yourself into the culture of Barcelona, you don't forget a very important part of that culture: the fashion! Catalans care very much about their personal appearance. It's all about being put together and fashionable. For me, the best example of this is that for the most part, you will never see men walking around in suits and ties in Barcelona. This isn't because it's not a city of business, but it's because men who work in business aren't expected to wear suits and ties like they are in America. In Barcelona, as long as you look presentable and well-dressed, you're golden.

Here are some tips on how to avoid looking like a tourist:

1) DON'T dress casual. Wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt will automatically point you out as an American tourist. Catalans don't believe in rolling out of bed and getting what you need to get done in a day looking like a slob. They appreciate people taking time to get themselves ready.

2) DON'T wear short shorts or short, tight dresses. The one exception is the beach. Because the older generations were so highly influenced by the church, being conservative is appreciated. This doesn't mean your skirts have to reach your knees and you can't have any chest showing, but it does mean not to dress like your on "The Girls Next Door." Even at clubs, Catalan women might wear a short dress, but they will wear stockings with it to keep it classy.

3) DON'T wear baggy clothing. Catalan women and men consider well-fitted clothes to be sophisticated.  Big, baggy jackets and pants are a sure sign of tourists. During my time in Barcelona, all of my guy friends started off wearing their baggy jeans and pants and by the end of our semester, their pants all miraculously started to get tighter and tighter. This is the way of the Catalans. Just embrace it.

4) DO wear scarves. Scarves in the spring, scarves in the summer, scarves in the fall, scarves in the's all acceptable in Barcelona. I came to Spain with 2 or 3 scarves and left with 10-12. Catalans wear scarves probably every day and they come in all colors, patterns, materials, fabrics and qualities.

Me wearing typical Catalan garb: skinny jeans, leather jacket, a conservative top and a scarf, of course!

5) DO embrace boots. Another trend Catalans love is boots. From ankle boots to books which go over the knees, Spaniards wear boots with almost everything, especially in the colder weather. Pull some boots on over your leggings or skinny jeans and you're all set!

6) DO dress up. As a rule of thumb, if you're wondering if you look too casual, you probably do. Catalans always dress up as oppose to dressing down so try to embrace that.

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